Hey folks! It’s been way too long since I’ve put a new blog up on here. I just wanted to introduce all of our customers and followers to the New 441 Diesel!
This is the new customer waiting area. I love the decor and layout that my mom designed. We are looking for a display case to layout some diesel parts and performance products we offer. The waiting area is air conditioned and provides a comfortable place to wait while we take care of your truck.

Here is our new office with my mom Kim Orr hard at work on the computer. The exposed wiring design looks very good. This is where we do our invoicing and inputting bills.

Our new and very much improved entrance. Excuse the mess we are still finishing up construction and our builder still has a few t’s to cross and i’s to dot. The awning gives us more room as well as shade for when we have to work on trucks outside or if we want to do a quick AC check or PM. Loving the fresh vinyl on the billboard from Accel Advertising.

My favorite part! The shop has double the amount of space of the old shop and we now have 6 bay doors instead of 1. Huge improvement! We also have a cool workout area in the back. The 3 rear rooms are still works in progress. We will have a parts room and engine/trans build room where we can assemble engines in a sterile environment.

My brother Zach, basking in the glory of the new shop! LOL

I just want to take a moment to thank you if you are reading this. Without our customers we could not be here. At 441 Diesel, we strive everyday to do the best we can do. We treat our customers how we would want to be treated. We also communicate constantly with our customers and with each other in order to continually improve and be better technicians. 441 Diesel uses OEM and OEM quality parts for all repairs ensuring a quality fix the first time. Thank you all so much and God Bless. AJ